Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to change status of the dynamic entity?

to change status of the dynamic entity follow these steps:

   1:  //Create a request object

   2:  SetStateDynamicEntityRequest stateRequest = new SetStateDynamicEntityRequest();

   3:  //Use string and not integer value for state. (For Lead use "Qualified" and not 2)

   4:  stateRequest.State = newState;

   5:  stateRequest.Status = newStatus;


   7:  //Create an instance of the entity

   8:  Moniker m = new Moniker();

   9:  m.Id = entityId;

  10:  m.Name = myDynamicEntity.Name;


  12:  //Set the state. Well... set the entity.

  13:  stateRequest.Entity = m;


  15:  //Send the request

  16:  SetStateDynamicEntityResponse res = (SetStateDynamicEntityResponse)_crmService.Execute(stateRequest);

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